Google Pixel

“4 Motion Sense”

Drop beats with the wave of a hand.

To launch Google’s Pixel 4, Swift focused on a standout feature called Motion Sense, technology that creates a radar bubble around the phone to capture hand movements and gestures.


Music and movement are inseparable.

We imagined what would happen if we put Motion Sense in the hands of the world’s greatest DJs, allowing them to effortlessly build songs without touching a mixing board.

Deconstructing this innovation, Swift, with Creative Technology partner Deeplocal, created an instrument built from eight Pixel phones and millions of tiny LEDs. Loading each device with a different sample—bass, kicks, strings—the DJ waves a hand over the screen to construct a song in real time.


Live at the Latin Grammys

Google wanted to reach LatinX audiences who listen to 32 hours of music per week, showing them the new possibilities of Pixel 4 in ways that would get heads bopping.

In a one-of-a-kind demo/concert event, DJ Felo & Karol G used the rig to construct her new song "Tusa" track-by-track, making music live with the flick of a wrist—all from the roof of a building in Las Vegas.

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A perfect mix

The performance aired during the Latin Grammys; the artists posted the performance in their social channels, and Google shared the concert and a behind-the-scenes film showing how we built the rig on its owned channels.

Finally, we also debuted our global TV spot during the award show’s most viewed commercial breaks...

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