The might of mentorship
Fact: Women mentored by women are more likely to achieve senior roles, out-earn their peers, and generally feel happier.
Win, win, win.
As an agency founded by women with strong female leaders at every level, we’ve seen firsthand the power of women lifting others on their way up.
So we built a mentorship program.
We partnered with 16 female-forward businesses, professional groups, and employee networks to launch FTW: For the Women—a collective hell-bent on helping women achieve their career goals.
partner orgs
months of meetings
core themes
That winning look.
To support the initiative, we created a full brand identity, designed the program structure, and built a curriculum and playbook for personal success.
“With FTW, I had the confidence to seek out what I was looking for, and the direction to pursue a different path.”
Pauline R. FTW participant
What made it work?
Two not-so-secret ingredients.
Teams of 4-7 women met monthly and Slacked regularly. Fixed deadlines and meetings prompted them to show up and share progress.
Ongoing guidance and encouragement helped teammates create step-by-step, goal-crushing gameplans.
We heard again and again...
that having someone in your corner pushes you to do more than you thought possible
“Everyone in our group negotiated raises. We collectively boosted our earning power by $75,000.”
Amanda G. FTW Mentor
What’s next?
Based on the results, overall learnings, and research findings with mentors and mentees,, we’re developing resources to open-source the program. Stay tuned!